Newness,The Quirky & For The Season That's in it ....
For Her, Him & Them
Jewellery to suit all occassions
Eternal's Wedding Day Essentials

HANDMADE has Always been an important aspect of Eternal, In this Collection of works , we have beautiful Handcrafted works by Irish Artists, Ceramicists and other Artisan Creators.
Make your own space unique, or gift that special person with a unique piece of Art/ Craft while also supporting The Artistic Community.
'Art has the power to transform, to illuminate, to educate, inspire and motivate'
Gifts for your 4 legged friends
Here's what we do:
Eternal is Gift Shop , a Homewares Shop & a Craft Gallery.
Really bring that smile to the face of the person you love with expertly chosen gifts, that will delight for ever and always.
Our Homewares are composed of Classical Interior Pieces, which will add style and elegance to your space.
And our Craft Gallery is composed of beautiful one off pieces made by Irish Crafters/Designers & Makers.
Our selection of giftwares will satisfy many many tastes, with stock permanently updated and new brands being introduced.
This is what we do at Eternal Gifts, We create memories for life.
Take a look at all our selections, and if in doubt click on the Personal Shopping button on the right of the screen for some help or get in touch for more information.

Welcome to Eternal:
This is a very personal to me.
Eternal came about as a consequence of my love and appreciation of beautiful things - "I don’t love it because I sell it, I sell it because I love it".
Eternal is not just a business, it’s a place of happiness and it’s purpose is to bring greater happiness into your lives.
In our shop in Elphin, I pride myself in a personalised experience for each customer.
I am bringing the same level of care to our online shop so don't hesitate to use the personal shopping service. You won't be disappointed!